do golf courses close when it rains

Do Golf Courses Close When It Rains?

Whether you’re a hardcore golfer or simply new to the sport, it can disrupt your golfing plans to know that the sky’s set to rain soon. Can you still go for that game or do you have to postpone until the weather is sunny and clear again?

Luckily, golf is one of the few sports that doesn’t depend much on climate conditions and neither is it greatly affected by them. In other words, unless the surrounding circumstances are dire and might hurt golfers, there’s no harm in playing golf in the rain.

What about public golf clubs, though? Do golf courses close when it rains? This guide will answer that concern and many more below, so read on!

Do Golf Courses Close When It Rains?

To reiterate, golf, much like baseball, tennis, and indoor sports can be played during the rain; no problem. As a result, most, if not all, golf courses will keep their fields open when it rains.

That’s mainly since drizzles or early morning rain doesn’t directly affect your golf game that much.

Indeed you still need to take a few necessary precautions to ensure your safety (we go through them later on), but there’s no need to cancel the game just yet.

Why? Because golf courses won’t close unless the state or local city has determined that the weather outside is dangerous and that people stay in their homes.

Simply put, if there’s a thunderstorm or treacherous rain pour, golf clubs will have no choice but to close.

Do Golf Courses Let You Play in the Rain?

Golf courses will allow their golfers to carry on with their game so long as the rain is still in its beginning stages.

The staff’s duty, however, is to keep an eye out for the news and regularly update the golf club members about the weather state.

This is essential as it ensures that everyone remains safe, especially those out on the golf field as they’re more susceptible to harm.

As for your part as a golfer, you’ll need to educate yourself on how to be cautious when playing golf in a wet climate and what tools you should keep on hand.

To make it easier for you, we’ve included that information in this guide here too.

What Do Golf Courses Do When It Rains?

Generally speaking, businesses don’t immediately close up shop the second there’s a rain sighting. Instead, they shut down the place gradually—just in case the weather happens to turn around after a while.

The same goes for golf courses and clubs. At the first signs of rain, the staff will reinforce a walking-only policy, meaning, no drivers are allowed to operate golf carts anymore.

This is to prevent any slippery accidents from happening. Additionally, wet grass is softer and weaker than a dry field, as such, driving any wheels on it will damage the grass further.

In case the rain happens to get stronger, the golf club will direct their golfers to safety as they begin shutting down their courses.

This will also happen when there’s a thunderstorm or frequent lightning strikes accompanied by rain.

How Does Rain Affect Golf Course?

Rain, even if it’s just a quick shower, will still affect the golf course in one way or another. Among the most common factors to look out for include the following:

  • Muddy fields
  • Wet, weak, and breaking grass
  • Sinking grounds
  • Increased humidity levels

Each of these elements will have a direct effect on your performance as well as the golf ball’s distance and trajectory. Below, we’ll go through what this means in further detail.

Your Golfing Performance

Your grip is the first thing to be affected by the slippery rain. Since golf primarily depends on the strength of your grip and the stability of your posture, wet drops can mess with both.

Mud and rain will also cause the ground to be uneven and increase the chances of an incorrect footing. Your swing, as a result, might not be up to par, unfortunately.

Another disadvantage is that the stickier the field, the less likely the ball would be able to roll as it should. Instead, it’ll just plug or come to a halt, thus making it harder for you to score.

The Ball Distance

A big part of a successful golf shot is factoring in the ball distance and trajectory. Rain, strong wind, and increased humidity levels will all play a role in ruining your swing.

For starters, mud or water trapped between your golf ball and the club face will make the ball heavier. In turn, this will increase the friction and weight of the ball.

You’ll notice this difference more with high-trajectory shots as well. On the plus side though, when the rain evaporates, there’d be less air resistance and you can swing the ball for extended distances without a problem.


How Can You Play Golf in the Rain?

To play golf in the rain, you’ll need to keep a few tips in mind. To start with, keep your golf swing simple, meaning, postpone any trick shots till it’s clear out.

Remember too that you should go slow on slippery grounds and be firm when chipping and putting. Additionally, hit the ball from a lower point than what you’re used to.

What Do You Need to Play Golf in the Rain?

For your safety, make sure that you have the following tools with you so you can properly play golf in the rain:

  • Waterproof wear, such as a jacket, golf bag, and gloves
  • An umbrella and a towel
  • A pitching wedge

To Sum Up

Do golf courses close when it rains? Depending on how strong the rainfall is, a golf club will remain open and meanwhile direct their golfers to safety. A public golf course will only resort to shutting down if the weather poses a danger to its golfing members.

So, with that in mind, it’s worth mentioning again that a golf game in the rain isn’t ideal. You need to consider how the wet climate will affect both your performance and the field itself. Make sure you stay safe as well and are appropriately dressed for the occasion.

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